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I’m not going to show all of them because I want you to be surprised when you get your Christmas card.

Seema made some Thanksgiving projects at “school” this week. We’ll be taking them to the Grandparent’s house tomorrow, as decorations.

Turkey hand card “I gobble til I wobble”.
Turkey candle. Glass baby food jar with tissue paper around it, Seema’s hand turkey on the back.
Cornucopia she colored the different fruits and veggies.
We’ll have to wait and see what she makes today.

Since I have a half day of work I’m planning on putting up the outside Christmas lights.
I have plans to craft this weekend. I’m so excited! Some of these will be used as gifts, some we will keep. I’m going to be making some ornaments and trinket boxes. Plus working on our Christmas cards. Still need to get a good picture of Seema for it. hmm….


Now since Punit is working a more “regular” shift, 7am-3:30pm, and doesn’t have a 2nd job anymore we have a lot more family time and couple time.

Last weekend we planned to go out to dinner (which was yummy) and go to the movies. Ended up instead having to way 40 mins for a table so we missed the movie. But we’re going tonight.

We’re going to see FireProof. Have you seen this movie? I’ve heard it’s pretty good from both men and women. Plus, the babysitting group at church mentioned it was a great date night movie.

Aunt Colleen is coming over the watch Seema tonight, and she’s spending the night. 🙂

she so did not want to get her picture taken or have her hat on, but I still love this picture.

for now, at least. Punit came home Thursday afternoon with no pink slip. He lucked out on this row of layoffs. There’s more coming though.

This means he’ll probably be transferred to 2nd shift in 2 weeks. If that happens then Seema will continue to go to the same daycare. All will be nice and smooth.

Seema got a check up on Friday.
17 months old
Height: 20.1 inches
Weight: 22 lbs 8 oz.
No longer goes to sleep with a bottle. (We’ll be working on the paci next, though she doesn’t have it tonight. Cross your fingers that I get enough sleep.)

We both got our flu shots. We’re hoping for no flu this year. Last year we had it really bad and it was horrible!

I cannot believe how “old” Seema is looking lately.

Check out her curls

Don’t be fooled like Mom, this is NOT my first sucker. I love these!

Playing outside. Wearing the new skirt Grandma made for me.

Yep, that’s right, Seema has a brand new one-of-a-kind skirt. Made especially for her by Grandma. Now she’s not one to be all girly and it makes me to happy to see her in a skirt.

from our family to yours!

Seema’s saying a lot of new words lately. She’s becoming quite the copy cat too.

Her newest is shh! with the finger up. It’s the cutest thing.
We were watching Betsy’s Kindergarten Adventures on PBS over the weekend and they were in the library and the librarian kept saying Shh! and now she does it.

She loves popcorn, dried cranberries/raisins/etc, plums, all kinds of soups.

We have been working on going to bed without a bottle. It’s been going pretty well, some nights are harder than others though.

Next will be some potty training.

We went to the pumpkin patch and farm Friday mid-day.
Come to find out they weren’t actually open to the public at that time, just for schools and groups that had reserved the stop. rofl! Oh well they let us tag along with one of the groups so it worked out. 🙂

Now that Seema can walk she loves exploring and I love it too.

She pet the goats, the calves, the cows… we saw the chickens.

We played on the playground (they had tire swings that were horses and other fun stuff!)
We went to the pumpkin patch.
We saw the pigs, and smelled them too! phew
Then we got to see how the cows got milked and got to feed one of the calves a bottle. Well we watched. I knew if Seema got to close to that milk bottle she might be the one being feed instead of the calf.

well sorta.

Had lunch with Mom, Dad, Lizz, and Matt today. Jason’s deli.. yum!

Then, followed Lizz & Matt to Target and they started the baby registry there.
We had fun!